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Protect your privacy!

Did you know most pictures taken with modern cameras and phones also include GPS information? This allows anyone who knows how to view EXIF metadata to accurately pin-point where you were when each picture was taken, and even know what direction you were facing!

This app easily allows you to REMOVE GPS information from any image simply by drag&dropping it on the apps window or menubar icon. It will create a new image in a destination folder you choose. You can also set it to overwrite the original image.

App Reviews:
"It’s very fast, extremely easy to use and pretty slick as well." -

"This application provides an easy method to scrub the GPS data from images before uploading to social media sites or sharing images with people you might not feel comfortable knowing the location the image was taken." -

- easy to use drag&drop interface
- removes GPS metadata by default for any JPEG or TIFF image
- can be set to remove ALL exif metadata from images
- can be set to overwrite the original images containing the exif metadata
- custom destination folder
- fast start-up

* Also available on the iOS AppStore as a universal app *

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